For instructions on using MASCHINE JAM to control FL Studio, please consult this page on the Image Line forum. The FL Studio Template is now set up and ready to use. Select both entries and activate them by pressing the Enable button as shown in the screenshot below. Maschine Jam appears automatically as Input and Output device.Select Options > MIDI Settings from the menu bar.

Make sure the FL Studio Template is selected in Controller Editor (see above).Adding MASCHINE JAM as Controller in FL Studio The FL Studio Template is added to the list of Templates and selected as the currently active Template.In Controller Editor, go to the Templates tab and select FL Studio in the Factory Templates drop-down menu.Windows: C: > Program Files > Native Instruments > Controller Editor.Mac: Macintosh HD > Applications > Native Instruments > Controller Editor.Connect the MASCHINE JAM Controller to your computer.Collaborate better with the Microsoft Teams app. Loading the FL Studio Template in Controller Editor Download Microsoft Teams for desktop and mobile and get connected across devices on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. Adding MASCHINE JAM as Controller in FL Studio.ġ.Loading the FL Studio Template in Controller Editor.This article explains the necessary steps to install the MASCHINE Jam Template for FL Studio: You can find the full installer for FL Studio 12.4 on the Image Line downloads page. Controller Editor 2.0.2 is available in the Drivers and other files page on our website. NET Framework 3.5, then you must uninstall them prior to running this installation by using Add or Remove Programs.Important note: this setup requires at least FL Studio 12.4 and Controller Editor 2.0.2. If you have installed earlier pre-release versions of.NET Framework 3.5 base class library (BCL) that address many common customer requests. Full tooling support in Visual Studio 2008 for WF, WCF, and WPF, including the new workflow-enabled services technology.New Web protocol support for building WCF services including AJAX, JSON, REST, POX, RSS, ATOM, and several new WS-* standards.ASP.NET AJAX lets you create more efficient, more interactive, and highly-personalized Web experiences that work across all the most popular browsers.This new feature will let you write code written in LINQ-enabled languages to filter, enumerate, and create projections of several types of SQL data, collections, XML, and DataSets by using the same syntax. Deep integration of Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and data awareness.

NET Framework 3.5 contains a number of new features in several technology areas which have been added as new assemblies to avoid breaking changes. For example, feature sets in Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows CardSpace. NET Framework 3.5 builds incrementally on the new features added in.